Friday, December 14, 2012


Hi, everyone! So basically, today I'm going to talk about tech-type stuff, which is going to be especially fun since I know NOTHING about technology!

Okay, that's not entirely true. I can fix minor problems with my laptop and I love a lot of video games, but unless it's an iPod, I have zero functionality with Apple products. My friend and I were driving to another friend's birthday party, and she was having me do the directions on her iPhone while she drove, and we would have gotten better results if we had left the iPhone in the hands of a chimp. And don't even get me started on the Macs in the Mass Communications labs that I had to use for my Broadcast classes. People live and die by Macs, and I can't figure out why the hell that is. I'm a neanderthal.

But I did ask for a Nook HD tablet for Christmas. This is like, my big gift, and I'll be really excited if I get it. I have the first generation of Nook, and I've been looking into tablets, so this would be perfect, since I can just transfer all my other books onto this one, and everything will be great and wonderful. I don't plan on doing a lot of actual work on my tablet, it would mostly be for having something to do between classes and just being a little fun entertainment center, so it's fine by me that it doesn't make coffee and do my taxes and have a lock of Steve Jobs's hair included. (This is making me sound like I absolutely hate Apple, I'm realizing. I promise I don't! Maybe I have some secret unresolved issue with them, but more likely, I'm just tired of people who insist that only Apple products are any good and they are worth the three trillion dollar price tag and other tablets/computers are shit. I really love the iPod, and I'm planning on getting the new nano this January.)

Anyway! If you're shopping for someone who really loves books, I would recommend the Nook. That being said, I've never used the Kindle, so if you have tried both and find one works better for you, or you know the person you're shopping for would have an easier time with one or the other, go for it. (I actually won a Kindle in a contest my school had a week after I got my Nook, so I sold it on Craigslist without ever opening it.) Here's what I like about the Nook HD:

  • Price. It's a $200 tablet, which is cheap for a tablet.
  • You can create profiles for different family member, sorta like you can on a computer (though if I get one, it's alllll mine, no sharing with anybody).
  • Super light, and I already carry way too much shit in my purse anyway, including my old Nook and usually another book or two besides, so that's always good.
  • You can 'scrapbook' magazine pages and save them for later, which I really like, since I'll want to save makeup things and workouts and pictures of Daniel Craig in a suit and be able to whip them out at a moment's notice.
  • Ten hours of laptop only has like five, and I always forget to charge stuff.
Anyway, I'll let you guys know if I get one, either for Christmas, my birthday (which is four days later) or if I end up buying for myself with money I get from the two, and how it works! What are you excited to give to others, and to get for yourself?

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